Lund tells each client’s story about their project needs and benefits in compelling ways.

Clients who are seeking public support for their work turn to Lund to help them communicate their program’s needs and benefits, especially sharing their stories with elected officials.

The Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) reports their progress investing in freight mobility infrastructure to the State of Washington and Lund works with the board to produce annual reports that capture the progress and benefits of freight mobility investments.

The Washington State Association of Counties (WSAC) hired Lund to develop a dashboard with a set of performance measures to evaluate progress addressing transportation investment needs in counties throughout the state. That work received a national award from the National Association of Counties. The information is used by elected officials, the State of Washington, and citizens to review the status of county transportation projects and funding needs.

The Washington Business Roundtable turned to Lund for help in generating a case to the State of Washington to increase transportation funding. Lund worked side by side with former Transportation Secretary Douglas B. MacDonald to assemble data on funding needs and worked with Roundtable members and staff to craft a compelling story about the needs through presentations and written materials.

We know how to make the case to elected officials and high level decisionmakers.